• Tōkyō-tento) without talking about "relocating the capital to Tokyo" (東京遷都, Tōkyō-sento). A contemporary history textbook states that the Meiji government...
    20 KB (2,037 words) - 19:31, 17 July 2024
  • Thumbnail for Heijō-kyō
    Commemorative events of the 1,300th anniversary of Nara Heijō-kyō Capital (Japanese:平城遷都1300年祭) were held in and around Nara Prefecture from April 24 to November 7...
    7 KB (612 words) - 08:08, 23 July 2024
  • Thumbnail for Osaka
    Kodansha International. ISBN 978-4-7700-2939-3. Retrieved July 4, 2010. 大石慎三郎「日本の遷都の系譜」、『學習院大學經濟論集』第28巻第3号、学習院大学、1991年10月、 31–41頁、 NAID 110007523974。P.31 史跡 難波宮跡...
    116 KB (10,511 words) - 11:03, 21 September 2024
  • Thumbnail for Heijō Palace
    Palace was the main event site of Heijo Relocation 1300 Year Festival (平城遷都1300年祭, Narasento 1300-nen-sai) in 2010, and the First Great Hall (第一次大極殿,...
    21 KB (2,759 words) - 14:15, 7 September 2024
  • "The Order to Transfer the Capital" Transliteration: "Sento Rei" (Japanese: 遷都令) Lang finds the terrorists that bombed and killed Silverberche via a tip...
    104 KB (368 words) - 01:16, 18 September 2024
  • Thumbnail for Sima Yi
    Book of Jin 648, vol. 1: "是時漢帝都許昌,魏武以為近賊,欲徙河北。帝諫曰:「禁等為水所沒,非戰守之所失,於國家大計未有所損,而便遷都,既示敵以弱,又淮沔之人大不安矣。孫權、劉備,外親內踈,羽之得意,權所不願也。可喻權所,令掎其後,則樊圍自解。」魏武從之。權果遣將呂蒙西襲公安,拔之,羽遂為蒙所獲。"...
    178 KB (28,534 words) - 19:22, 7 August 2024
  • 정감록신앙은, Three Jewels of Fortune 삼절운수설(三絶運數說), Gyeryongsan Cheondo 계룡산천도설(鷄龍山遷都說), the theory of the emergence of Jeongseongjin 정성진인출현설(鄭姓眞人出現說) Namhak ("Southern...
    14 KB (409 words) - 08:15, 24 August 2024
  • Not (魔術師、還らず) After the Sacrifice (祭りの後) Triumphant Return With Disappointment (失意の凱旋) Edict: Capital Move (遷都令) The New Government of August (八月の新政府)...
    17 KB (500 words) - 23:06, 19 November 2023
  • Archived from the original on 8 January 2015. Retrieved 8 January 2015. 平城遷都1300年記念 期間限定ショップ「奈良香」が登場! (PDF) (in Japanese). Kintetsu. Retrieved 10 June...
    293 KB (16,286 words) - 09:39, 15 August 2024
  • Thumbnail for Edict on the Transfer of the Capital
    Edict on the Transfer of the Capital (chữ Hán: 遷都詔, chữ Nôm: 詔移都, Vietnamese: Thiên đô chiếu, Chiếu dời đô) is an edict written at the behest of emperor...
    9 KB (1,397 words) - 08:19, 15 July 2024
  • Thumbnail for Lý dynasty
    Long Đĩnh of the Lê family, thereby founding the Lý dynasty. Thiên đô chiếu (遷都詔), written in 1009 by Emperor Lý Thái Tổ when he decided to move from Hoa...
    44 KB (5,007 words) - 03:58, 7 September 2024
  • Thumbnail for Trần Quang Đức
    2010) Đại Việt quốc Lý gia Thái Tổ hoàng đế thiên đô kỷ sự bi (大越國李家太祖皇帝遷都紀事碑, 2010) Leisured records of Cao Trai (高齋閑錄, 2011) With Tử Hư to write Loushiming...
    11 KB (923 words) - 19:46, 18 March 2024
  • Thumbnail for Culture of Asia
    Vietnamese poetry. In chronological order notable works include: Thiên đô chiếu (遷都詔) 1010, Edict on transfer the capital of Đại Cồ Việt from Hoa Lư (modern Ninh...
    105 KB (10,593 words) - 23:46, 20 September 2024
  • Vietnamese poetry. In chronological order notable works include: Thiên đô chiếu (遷都詔) 1010, Edict on transfer the capital of Đại Cồ Việt from Hoa Lư (modern Ninh...
    17 KB (2,161 words) - 03:28, 9 August 2024
  • 領受。」詔曰:「伊忠誠不遂,益以傷懷,仍受其所上之鎧。」) Book of Jin, Volume 81 (伊在州十年,綏撫荒雜,甚得物情。桓沖卒,遷都督江州荊州十郡豫州四郡軍事、江州刺史,將軍如故,假節。伊到鎮,以邊境無虞,宜以寬恤為務,乃上疏以江州虛秏,加連歲不登,今餘戶有五萬六千,宜併合小縣,...
    11 KB (1,860 words) - 19:24, 18 February 2024
  • (是時下邳陳瑀自號吳郡太守,住海西,與彊族嚴白虎交通。策自將討虎,別遣範與徐逸攻瑀於海西,梟其大將陳牧。) Sanguozhi vol. 56. (後領宛陵令,討破丹楊賊,還吳,遷都督。) Sanguozhi vol. 56. (策薨,奔喪于吳。後權復征江夏,範與張昭留守。曹公至赤壁,與周瑜等俱拒破之,拜裨將軍,領彭澤太守,以彭...
    13 KB (1,971 words) - 20:38, 11 July 2023
  • 相。行至宛陵,復追為光祿勳。視事三日,進拜司空。爽自被徵命及登台司,九十五日。) Houhanshu vol. 62. (明年,關東兵起,董卓懼,欲遷都以違其難。乃大會公卿議曰:「高祖都關中十有一世,光武宮洛陽,於今亦十世矣。案石包讖,宜徙都長安,以應天人之意。」百官無敢言者。彪曰:「移都改制,天下...
    16 KB (2,356 words) - 01:11, 28 December 2023
  • vol. 64. (十六年,權徙治秣陵。明年,城石頭,改秣陵為建業。聞曹公將來侵,作濡須塢。) Sanguozhi vol. 47. (初,權黃龍元年遷都建業。二年築東興堤遏湖水。) Sanguozhi vol. 64. (恪以建興元年十月會眾於東興,更作大堤,左右結山俠築兩城,各留千人,使全端、留略守之,引軍而還。)...
    13 KB (1,823 words) - 04:46, 2 May 2023
  • Sanguozhi vol. 57. (孫休朱夫人,朱據女,休姊公主所生也。) Sanguozhi vol. 50. (黃龍元年,權遷都建業,徵據尚公主,拜左將軍,封雲陽侯。) Sanguozhi vol. 57. (嘉禾中,始鑄大錢,一當五百。後據部曲應受三萬緡,工王遂詐而受之,典...
    14 KB (2,086 words) - 08:03, 9 July 2023
  • ISBN 9780731509010. 此與本傳不同 Pei Songzhi note in Sanguozhi vol.65. 皓用巫史之言,謂建業宮不利,乃西巡武昌,仍有遷都之意,恐羣臣不從,乃大請會,賜將吏。問蕃「射不主皮,為力不同科,其義云何?」蕃思惟未荅,即於殿上斬蕃 Jiangbiaozhuan in Sanguozhi...
    15 KB (2,097 words) - 00:04, 26 March 2024
  • 天下歸罪於越。帝發詔貶越為縣王。何倫、李惲聞越之死,秘不發喪,奉妃裴氏及毗出自京邑,從者傾城,所經暴掠。) Book of Jin, Volume 59 (苟晞表請遷都倉垣,使從事中郎劉會將船數十艘、宿衞五百人、穀千斛迎帝。帝將從之,公卿猶豫,左右戀資財,遂不果行。旣而洛陽饑困,人相食,百官流亡者什八九。帝召公卿議...
    16 KB (2,712 words) - 06:08, 16 August 2024
  • (2007), pp. 665–666. (靈帝末為講部吏。) Sanguozhi vol. 42. Zizhi Tongjian vol. 59. (獻帝遷都長安,遂逃入蜀,劉焉父子待以客禮。) Sanguozhi vol. 42. (博物識古,無書不覽,尤銳意三史,長於漢家舊典。好公羊春秋而譏呵左氏,每與來敏爭此二義,光常譊譊讙咋。)...
    13 KB (1,941 words) - 20:47, 11 July 2023
  • Sanguozhi vol. 62. Zizhi Tongjian vol. 71. ([黃龍元年]秋九月,權遷都建業, ...) Sanguozhi vol. 47. (大駕東遷,太子登留鎮武昌,使儀輔太子。太子敬之,事先諮詢,然後施行。進封都鄉侯。後從太子還...
    20 KB (3,013 words) - 14:47, 19 January 2024
  • 軍山簡遣督護王萬將兵入援,軍于涅陽,爲王如所敗。如遂大掠沔、漢,進逼襄陽,簡嬰城自守。荊州刺史王澄自將,欲援京師,至沶口,聞簡敗,衆散而還。朝議多欲遷都以避難,王衍以爲不可,賣車牛以安衆心。山簡爲嚴嶷所逼,自襄陽徙屯夏口。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 87...
    24 KB (4,394 words) - 14:21, 1 May 2024
  • Crespigny (2007), p. 375. Sima (1084), vol. 68. (帝諫曰:「禁等為水所沒,非戰守之所失,於國家大計未有所損,而便遷都,既示敵以弱,又淮沔之人大不安矣。孫權、劉備,外親內踈,羽之得意,權所不願也。可喻權所,令掎其後,則樊圍自解。」) Jin Shu vol. 1....
    61 KB (9,831 words) - 07:51, 9 August 2024