2011 in spaceflight

2011 in spaceflight
Space Shuttle Atlantis lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility on 21 July 2011, completing the final mission of the Space Shuttle programme.
Orbital launches
First20 January
Last28 December
National firsts
Satellite Isle of Man
Maiden flightsZenit-3F
Long March 2F/G
Atlas V 541
RetirementsSpace Shuttle
Delta II Heavy
Crewed flights
Total travellers28

The year 2011 saw a number of significant events in spaceflight, including the retirement of NASA's Space Shuttle after its final flight in July 2011, and the launch of China's first space station module, Tiangong-1, in September. A total of 84 orbital launches were conducted over the course of the year, of which 78 were successful. Russia, China and the United States conducted the majority of the year's orbital launches, with 35, 19 and 18 launches respectively; 2011 marked the first year that China conducted more successful launches than the United States.[1] Seven crewed missions were launched into orbit during 2011, carrying a total of 28 astronauts to the International Space Station. Additionally, the Zenit-3F and Long March 2F/G carrier rockets made their maiden flights in 2011, while the Delta II Heavy made its last.

Overview of orbital spaceflight


A total of 84 orbital launches were attempted in 2011, with 78 being reported as successful; 80 launches reached orbit. 35 launches were conducted using Russian and former Soviet rockets, whilst China launched 19 rockets, and the United States launched 18. Europe conducted five launches, India and Japan launched three rockets each, and Iran conducted one launch.

Crewed launches


Seven crewed spaceflights – four Soyuz and three Space Shuttle missions – were launched in 2011, carrying a total of 28 astronauts and cosmonauts into orbit. At the beginning of the year, the Expedition 26 crew was aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The first crewed flight of 2011 was STS-133, the final flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery, which launched from the Kennedy Space Center on 24 February. STS-133 carried Leonardo, the final American pressurised module of the ISS, for installation. Discovery returned to Earth on 9 March.

On 16 March, Expedition 27 began aboard the ISS with the departure of the Soyuz TMA-01M spacecraft, which had been docked since October 2010. On 4 April, Soyuz TMA-21 launched to the space station, delivering a further three crewmembers. On 16 May, Space Shuttle Space Shuttle Endeavour launched to the station on its final mission, STS-134, delivering and installing the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, before returning to Earth on 1 June. Expedition 28 began aboard the ISS on 23 May with the departure of Soyuz TMA-20, which had been launched in December 2010, and landed in the early morning of 24 May. Three more crewmembers were launched to the space station aboard Soyuz TMA-02M on 7 June.

The final Space Shuttle mission, STS-135, began on 8 July with the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis, carrying supplies for the ISS aboard the Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM). After resupplying the space station, Atlantis returned to Earth, landing at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility at 09:57 UTC on 21 July, and concluding thirty years of Space Shuttle operations. Two days before landing, Atlantis deployed PSSC-2, the last satellite to be launched from a Space Shuttle.

On 29 September, China launched its first space station module, Tiangong-1, which was placed into orbit by a Long March 2F/G carrier rocket flying from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre. Although no crewed missions to Tiangong-1 were conducted in 2011, the uncrewed Shenzhou 8 spacecraft, which was launched on 31 October, docked twice with the module to test its systems in preparation for a successful 2012 crewed docking.

ISS Expedition 28 ended, and Expedition 29 began, with the undocking of Soyuz TMA-21 on 16 September. The launch of Soyuz TMA-22 did not take place until 14 November, having been delayed by reliability concerns surrounding the Soyuz rocket after an uncrewed launch failure in August. A week later, Soyuz TMA-02M undocked, beginning Expedition 30, with the Soyuz spacecraft landing on 22 November. The final crewed launch of the year took place on 21 December, when Soyuz TMA-03M was launched to bring a further three crewmembers to the ISS.

Ten spacewalks were conducted in 2011, all of them by ISS or Space Shuttle astronauts. The final spacewalk by a Space Shuttle crew was conducted on 27 May, during the STS-134 mission.

Robotic exploration


Numerous scientific exploration missions were begun in 2011. In March 2011, the MESSENGER probe became the first artificial satellite of the planet Mercury. In July, the Dawn spacecraft became the first artificial satellite of the asteroid 4 Vesta. The Mars Science Laboratory – at the time, the largest Mars rover ever constructed – was launched in November, conducting a successful landing on Mars in August 2012.[2]

Launch failures


Six orbital launches failed in 2011, four of which failed to achieve orbit and the remaining two reached lower orbits than expected. The first failure occurred on 1 February, when a Rokot with a Briz-KM upper stage placed Kosmos 2470 into a useless orbit, from which it could not recover. The failure was later traced to a software problem on the Briz-KM.

The next failure occurred on 4 March, when the payload fairing of a Taurus-XL failed to separate, resulting in the rocket being too heavy to reach orbit. The Glory climate research satellite was lost in the failure, along with the KySat-1, Hermes and Explorer-1 [PRIME] CubeSats. The previous Taurus-XL launch, carrying the Orbiting Carbon Observatory in February 2009, also failed due to the fairing not separating.

No more launch failures occurred until mid-August when, over the space of a week, three consecutive orbital launches failed. On 17 August, a Proton-M/Briz-M launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying the Ekspress-AM4 communications satellite. In the morning of 18 August, the rocket's upper stage failed to conduct the fourth of five planned burns due to an attitude control system malfunction, leaving the spacecraft in a parking orbit. Later that same day, a Long March 2C launched from Jiuquan carrying the Shijian XI-04 satellite. The second stage vernier engine's mounting suffered a structural failure, resulting in a loss of control, and the rocket failed to reach orbit. Finally, on 24 August, a Soyuz-U carrying the Progress M-12M cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station suffered a third-stage engine failure and also failed to attain orbit.

The final launch failure of 2011 occurred on 23 December, when a Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat carrying the Meridian 5 satellite failed to achieve orbit due to a third-stage malfunction. Debris fell over Novosibirsk Oblast, with one piece hitting a house; however, no casualties were reported.

In November 2011, Russia's Fobos-Grunt Martian sample return probe launched successfully, but experienced a malfunction post-launch and became stranded in orbit. The spacecraft, which was Russia's first attempt at an interplanetary mission since the 1996 Mars 96 mission, disintegrated over the Pacific Ocean on 15 January 2012.[3][4] China's first Mars probe, Yinghuo-1, which was being carried by the same rocket as Fobos-Grunt, was also lost in the incident.

Orbital launches

Date and time (UTC) Rocket Flight number Launch site LSP
(⚀ = CubeSat)
Operator Orbit Function Decay (UTC) Outcome


20 January
Ukraine Zenit-3F Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 45/1 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Elektro-L No.1 Roscosmos Geostationary Meteorology In orbit Operational[5]
Maiden flight of Zenit-3F.
20 January
United States Delta IV-H United States Vandenberg SLC-6 United States United Launch Alliance
United States USA-224 (KH-11) NRO Low Earth Earth observation In orbit Operational
NRO Launch 49, first Delta IV Heavy launch from Vandenberg.[6]
22 January
Japan H-IIB Japan Tanegashima LA-Y2 Japan JAXA[9]
Japan Kounotori 2 (HTV-2) JAXA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 30 March Successful
28 January
Russia Soyuz-U Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress M-09M / 41P Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 26 April
Russia Kedr RKK Energia Low Earth Amateur radio 4 January 2012[10] Successful


1 February
Russia Rokot / Briz-KM Russia Plesetsk Site 133/3 Russia VKS
Russia Kosmos 2470 (Geo-IK-2 No.11) VKS Low Earth Geodesy 15 July 2013[12] Launch failure
Upper stage malfunctioned due to problems with the flight software,[11] reached lower orbit than planned.
6 February
United States Minotaur I United States Vandenberg SLC-8 United States Orbital Sciences
United States USA-225 (RPP) NRO Low Earth Technology demonstration In orbit Operational[13]
NRO Launch 66
16 February
Europe Ariane 5 ES France Kourou ELA-3 France Arianespace
Europe Johannes Kepler ATV ESA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 21 June Successful
24 February
United States Space Shuttle Discovery United States Kennedy LC-39A United States United Space Alliance
United States STS-133 NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 9 March
United Nations Leonardo (PMM)[15] ASI / NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS assembly In orbit Operational
United Nations ExPRESS-4 NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics In orbit Operational
Crewed flight, final flight of Discovery.
26 February
Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat Russia Plesetsk Site 43/4 Russia RVSN RF
Russia Kosmos 2471 (Glonass-K 701) VKS Medium Earth Navigation 12 November 2021 Successful[16]


4 March
United States Taurus-XL 3110 United States Vandenberg LC-576E United States Orbital Sciences
United States Glory NASA Intended: Low Earth (SSO) Climatology 4 March Launch failure
United States KySat-1 Kentucky Space Intended: Low Earth Technology demonstration
United States Hermes Colorado Intended: Low Earth Technology demonstration
United States Explorer-1 [PRIME] Montana State Intended: Low Earth Radiation
All payloads CubeSats except Glory, which would have been part of the A-train constellation. Fairing failed to separate.
5 March
United States Atlas V 501 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-41 United States United Launch Alliance
United States USA-226 (X-37B FLT-2) U.S. Air Force Low Earth Technology demonstration 16 June 2012
11 March
United States Delta IV-M+ (4,2) United States Cape Canaveral SLC-37B United States United Launch Alliance
United States USA-227 (SDS-3) NRO Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
NRO Launch 27


4 April
Russia Soyuz-FG Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Soyuz TMA-21 Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) Expedition 27/28 16 September
9 April
China Long March 3A China Xichang LC-3 China CNSA
China Compass-IGSO3 CNSA IGSO Navigation In orbit Operational
14 April
United States Atlas V 411[21] United States Vandenberg SLC-3E United States United Launch Alliance
United States USA-229 (NOSS) NRO Low Earth ELINT In orbit Operational
United States USA-229 (NOSS) NRO Low Earth ELINT In orbit Operational
NRO Launch 34
20 April
India PSLV India Satish Dhawan FLP India ISRO
India Resourcesat-2 ISRO Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
India Russia YouthSat ISRO / MGU Low Earth (SSO) Education In orbit Operational
Singapore X-Sat CREST Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
22 April
Europe Ariane 5 ECA[28] France Kourou ELA-3 France Arianespace
United Arab Emirates Yahsat 1A Yahsat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
United Nations New Dawn[29] Intelsat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Partial spacecraft failure
New Dawn's C-Band antenna failed to deploy.
27 April
Russia Soyuz-U Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress M-10M / 42P Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 29 October


4 May
Russia Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat Russia Plesetsk Site 43/4 Russia RVSN RF
Russia Meridian 4 VKS Medium Earth Communications In orbit Operational
7 May
United States Atlas V 401 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-41 United States United Launch Alliance
United States USA-230 (SBIRS-GEO 1) U.S. Air Force Geosynchronous Missile defense In orbit Operational
16 May
United States Space Shuttle Endeavour United States Kennedy LC-39A United States United Space Alliance
United States STS-134 NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 1 June
United Nations AMS-02[15] NASA Low Earth (ISS) Cosmic-ray observatory In orbit Operational
United Nations ExPRESS-3 NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics In orbit Operational
Crewed flight, final flight of Endeavour.
20 May
Russia Proton-M/Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 200/39 Russia United States International Launch Services
Canada Telstar 14R Telesat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Partial spacecraft failure
Second solar panel failed to deploy due to tangled cable[31]
20 May
Europe Ariane 5 ECA France Kourou ELA-3 France Arianespace
Singapore Taiwan ST-2 SingTel / Chunghwa Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
India INSAT-4G/GSAT-8[34] ISRO Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational


7 June
Russia Soyuz-FG Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Soyuz TMA-02M Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) Expedition 28/29 22 November
10 June
United States Delta II 7320 United States Vandenberg SLC-2W United States United Launch Alliance
Argentina United States SAC-D CONAE / NASA Low Earth (SSO) Oceanography In orbit Operational
Final scheduled flight of Delta II 7300 series; spacecraft carrying NASA's Aquarius instrument.
15 June
09:14[citation needed]
Iran Safir-1A Iran Semnan LP-1 Iran ISA
Iran Rasad 1 ISA Low Earth Earth observation 6 July 2011 Successful
20 June
China Long March 3B China Xichang LC-2 China CNSA
China ChinaSat 10 China Satellite Communications Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
21 June
Russia Soyuz-U Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress M-11M / 43P Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 1 September
27 June
Russia Soyuz-U Russia Plesetsk Site 16/2 Russia VKS
Russia Kosmos 2472 (Kobalt-M No.7) VKS Low Earth Reconnaissance 24 October Successful
30 June
United States Minotaur I United States MARS LP-0B United States Orbital Sciences
United States USA-231 (ORS-1) ORSO Low Earth Reconnaissance 12 March 2018[37] Successful


6 July
China Long March 2C China Jiuquan SLS-2 China CNSA
China Shijian 11-03 CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
8 July
United States Space Shuttle Atlantis United States Kennedy LC-39A United States United Space Alliance
United States STS-135 NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 21 July 2011
Italy United States Raffaelo MPLM NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics Successful
United States PSSC-2 U.S. Air Force Low Earth Technology demonstration 8 December Successful
Crewed flight, final flight of Atlantis and of Space Shuttle programme.
11 July
China Long March 3C China Xichang LC-2 China CNSA
China Tianlian I-02 (1B) CNSA Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
13 July
Russia Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 31/6 Europe Russia Starsem
United States Globalstar M081 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M083 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M085 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M088 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M089 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M091 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
15 July
India PSLV-XL India Satish Dhawan FLP India ISRO
India GSAT-12 ISRO Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
15 July
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 200/39 Russia United States International Launch Services
Netherlands SES-3 SES World Skies (July–September)
SES S.A. (September—)
Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
Kazakhstan KazSat-2 JSC KazSat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
16 July
United States Delta IV-M+ (4,2) United States Cape Canaveral SLC-37B United States United Launch Alliance
United States USA-232 (GPS-IIF-2) U.S. Air Force Medium Earth Navigation In orbit Operational
18 July
Ukraine Russia Zenit-3F Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 45/1 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Spektr-R (RadioAstron) Roscosmos High Earth Radio astronomy 30 May 2019 Successful
Russian scientific satellite with a 10 m (33 ft) radio telescope on board. Together with some of the largest ground-based radio telescopes, the Spektr-R formed interferometric baselines extending up to 350,000 km (220,000 mi).
26 July
China Long March 3A China Xichang LC-3 China CNSA
China Compass-IGSO4 CNSA IGSO Navigation In orbit Operational
29 July
China Long March 2C China Jiuquan SLS-2 China CNSA
China Shijian 11-02 CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational


5 August
United States Atlas V 551 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-41 United States United Launch Alliance
United States Juno NASA Jovicentric Jupiter orbiter In orbit Operational
6 August
Europe Ariane 5 ECA France Kourou ELA-3 France Arianespace
Luxembourg Astra 1N SES Astra (August–September)
SES S.A. (September—)
Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
Japan BSAT-3c / JCSAT-110R BSAT / JSAT Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
11 August
China Long March 3B/E China Xichang LC-2 China CNSA
Pakistan Paksat-1R SUPARCO Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
15 August
China Long March 4B China Taiyuan LC-2 China CNSA
China Hai Yang 2A CAST Low Earth (SSO) Oceanography In orbit Operational
17 August
Ukraine Dnepr Russia Dombarovsky Site 13 Russia ISC Kosmotras
Ukraine Sich-2 NKAU Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
Nigeria NigeriaSat-2 NASRDA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
Nigeria NigeriaSat-X NASRDA Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
Turkey RASAT TÜBİTAK Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Successful
Italy EduSAT GAUSS Srl Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
Canada AprizeSat-5 exactEarth Low Earth (SSO) Communications In orbit Operational
Canada AprizeSat-6 exactEarth Low Earth (SSO) Communications In orbit Operational
Ukraine BPA-2 Hartron-Arkos Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Successful
17 August
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 200/39 Russia Khrunichev
Russia Ekspress AM-4 RSCC Intended: Geosynchronous
Achieved: GTO
Communications 25 March 2012 Launch failure
Briz-M upper stage failed before the planned fourth burn. An insufficient time slot was allocated for re-setting the gyroscopes of the upper stage control system before launch, which led to loss of adequate attitude control in flight.[51]
18 August
China Long March 2C China Jiuquan SLS-2 China CNSA
China Shijian 11-04 CNSA Intended: Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration 18 August Launch failure
Failed to reach orbit. Second stage's vernier engine support structure failed in flight, led to loss of attitude control.[53]
24 August
Russia Soyuz-U Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress M-12M / 44P Roscosmos Intended: Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 24 August Launch failure
Third stage engine failure 325 seconds after launch due to the gas generator fuel supply pipeline being blocked by contaminants.[55]


10 September
United States Delta II 7920H United States Cape Canaveral SLC-17B United States United Launch Alliance
United States GRAIL-A (Ebb) NASA Selenocentric Lunar orbiter 17 December 2012
United States GRAIL-B (Flow) NASA Selenocentric Lunar orbiter 17 December 2012
Final launch of Delta II Heavy, final Delta II launch from Cape Canaveral, and last launch from SLC-17.
18 September
China Long March 3B/E China Xichang LC-2 China CNSA
China Chinasat-1A China Satcom Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
20 September
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 81/24 Russia Khrunichev
Russia Kosmos 2473 (Garpun #1) VKS Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
21 September
Europe Ariane 5 ECA France Kourou ELA-3 France Arianespace
Saudi Arabia Arabsat 5C Arabsat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
Netherlands SES-2 SES S.A. Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
23 September
Japan H-IIA Japan Tanegashima LA-Y1 Japan MHI
Japan IGS Optical 4 CSICE Low Earth (SSO) Reconnaissance In orbit Successful[60]
24 September
Ukraine Zenit-3SL Norway Ocean Odyssey United Nations Sea Launch
United States Atlantic Bird 7 Eutelsat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
27 September
United States Minotaur IV+ United States Kodiak LP-1 United States Orbital Sciences
United States TacSat-4 U.S. Air Force Highly elliptical Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
29 September
China Long March 2F/G T1 China Jiuquan SLS-1 China CNSA
China Tiangong-1 CMSA Low Earth Space station 2 April 2018
Maiden flight of Long March 2F/G, first Chinese space station prototype.
29 September
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 200/39 Russia United States International Launch Services
Isle of Man QuetzSat 1 SES Satellite Leasing Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
Intended for lease to QuetzSat.


2 October
Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat Russia Plesetsk Site 43/4 Russia RVSN RF
Russia Kosmos 2474 (Glonass-M 742) VKS Medium Earth Navigation In orbit Operational
5 October
Ukraine Zenit-3SLB Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 45/1 United Nations Land Launch
United Nations Intelsat 18 Intelsat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
7 October
China Long March 3B/E China Xichang LC-2 China CNSA
France Eutelsat W3C Eutelsat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
12 October
India PSLV-CA India Satish Dhawan FLP India ISRO
India France Megha-Tropiques[64] ISRO / CNES Low Earth Climatology 7 March 2023[65] Successful
India SRMSAT SRM Low Earth Climatology In orbit Operational
Luxembourg VesselSat-1 Luxspace Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
India Jugnu IITK Low Earth Earth observation In orbit Operational
19 October
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 200/39 Russia United States International Launch Services
Isle of Man ViaSat-1 ViaSat-IOM / ManSat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
21 October[66][67]
Russia Soyuz ST-B / Fregat-MT France Kourou ELS France Arianespace
European Union Galileo IOV 1 ESA Medium Earth Navigation / Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
European Union Galileo IOV 2 ESA Medium Earth Navigation / Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
First Soyuz launch from Kourou.
28 October
United States Delta II 7920-10 United States Vandenberg SLC-2W United States United Launch Alliance
United States NPP NASA / NOAA Low Earth Meteorology In orbit Operational
United States AubieSat 1 Auburn University Low Earth Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
United States DICE-1 Space Dynamics Laboratory Low Earth Magnetospheric research In orbit Operational
United States DICE-2 Space Dynamics Laboratory Low Earth Magnetospheric research In orbit Operational
United States E1P-U2 Montana State Low Earth Radiation In orbit Operational
United States M-Cubed University of Michigan Low Earth Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
United States RAX-2 University of Michigan Low Earth Auroral In orbit Operational
30 October
Russia Soyuz-U Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress M-13M / 45P Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics 25 January 2012 Successful
Russia Chibis-M (RS-39) IKI Low Earth Ionospheric research 15 October 2014 Successful
31 October
China Long March 2F Y8 China Jiuquan SLS-1 China CNSA
China Shenzhou 8 CMSA Low Earth (Tiangong-1) Technology demonstration 17 November
China Shenzhou-8-GC CMSA Low Earth (Tiangong-1) Technology demonstration 2 April 2012 Successful
Uncrewed flight, first Chinese orbital docking.


4 November
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 81/24 Russia Khrunichev
Russia Kosmos 2475 (Glonass-M 743) VKS Medium Earth Navigation In orbit Operational
Russia Kosmos 2476 (Glonass-M 744) VKS Medium Earth Navigation In orbit Operational
Russia Kosmos 2477 (Glonass-M 745) VKS Medium Earth Navigation In orbit Operational
8 November
Ukraine Zenit-2M Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 45/1 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Fobos-Grunt Roscosmos Intended: Areocentric
Achieved: Low Earth
Phobos sample return 15 January 2012 Spacecraft failure
China Yinghuo-1 CNSA Intended: Areocentric
Achieved: Low Earth
Mars orbiter
First Russian attempt at an interplanetary mission since 1996.[69]
First Chinese Mars probe
Spacecraft stranded in low Earth orbit, as telemetry was lost soon after launch and the two trans-Martian injection burns by the payload did not take place[70]
9 November
China Long March 4B China Taiyuan LC-2 China CNSA
China Yaogan 12 CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Reconnaissance In orbit Operational
China Tian Xun 1 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration 7 February 2016[72] Successful
14 November
Russia Soyuz-FG Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Soyuz TMA-22 Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) Expedition 29/30 27 April 2012 Successful
20 November
China Long March 2D China Jiuquan SLS-2 China CNSA
China Shiyan 4 CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
China Chuang Xin 1C CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
25 November
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 200/39 Russia United States International Launch Services
China AsiaSat 7 AsiaSat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
26 November
United States Atlas V 541 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-41 United States United Launch Alliance
United States Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) NASA TMI to Martian Surface Mars rover 6 August 2012
Maiden flight of Atlas V 541, largest Mars rover yet launched.
28 November
Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat Russia Plesetsk Site 43/4 Russia RVSN RF
Russia Kosmos 2478 (Glonass-M 746) VKS Medium Earth Navigation In orbit Operational
29 November
China Long March 2C China Taiyuan LC-2 China CNSA
China Yaogan 13 CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Reconnaissance In orbit Operational


1 December
China Long March 3A China Xichang LC-3 China CNSA
China Compass-IGSO5 CNSA IGSO Navigation In orbit Operational
11 December
Russia Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 81/24 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Luch 5A Gonets Satellite System Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
Israel Amos-5 SCL Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
12 December
Japan H-IIA Japan Tanegashima LA-Y1 Japan MHI
Japan IGS Radar 3 CSICE Low Earth (SSO) Reconnaissance (radar) In orbit Operational
17 December
Russia Soyuz ST-A / Fregat France Kourou ELS France Arianespace
France Pléiades-HR 1A CNES Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
Chile FASat-Charlie (SSOT) MDN Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
France ELISA 1 CNES / DGA Low Earth (SSO) ELINT In orbit Operational
France ELISA 2 CNES / DGA Low Earth (SSO) ELINT In orbit Operational
France ELISA 3 CNES / DGA Low Earth (SSO) ELINT In orbit Operational
France ELISA 4 CNES / DGA Low Earth (SSO) ELINT In orbit Operational
19 December
China Long March 3B/E China Xichang LC-2 China CNSA
Nigeria NigComSat-1R NIGCOMSAT / NASRDA Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
21 December
Russia Soyuz-FG Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 1/5 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Soyuz TMA-03M Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) Expedition 30/31 1 July 2012
22 December
China Long March 4B China Taiyuan LC-2 China CNSA
China Ziyuan 1-02C CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
23 December
Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat Russia Plesetsk Site 43/4 Russia VKO
Russia Meridian 5 VKO Intended: Molniya Communications 23 December Launch failure
Third stage engine malfunctioned 421 seconds after launch, failed to reach orbit; first launch conducted by the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces
28 December
Russia Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 31/6 Europe Russia Starsem
United States Globalstar M080 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M082 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M084 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M086 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M090 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
United States Globalstar M092 Globalstar Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational

Suborbital flights

Date and time (UTC) Rocket Flight number Launch site LSP
(⚀ = CubeSat)
Operator Orbit Function Decay (UTC) Outcome
22 January
United States Terrier-Oriole United States Wallops Island United States MDA
United StatesAegis Radar Test MDA Suborbital Radar target 22 January Successful
Aegis Radar target, not intercepted, Apogee: 100 kilometres (62 mi)
28 January
CanadaBlack Brant IX United States Poker Flat United States NASA
United StatesFIRE Colorado Suborbital Astronomy 28 January Spacecraft failure[80]
5 February
CanadaBlack Brant IX United StatesPoker Flat United StatesNASA
United States Polar NOx VPI Suborbital Geospace 5 February Spacecraft failure[80]
February[79] Iran Shahab-3 Iran Iran IRGC
IGRC Suborbital Missile test February Successful
Two missiles with a range of 1,900 kilometres were fired into the Indian Ocean prior to 19 February[citation needed]
February[79] Iran Sejjil-2 Iran IranIRGC
IGRC Suborbital Missile test February Successful
Two missiles with a range of 1,900 kilometres were fired into the Indian Ocean prior to 19 February[citation needed]
1 March
United States UGM-133 Trident II D5 United States USS Nevada, Pacific Ocean United StatesUS Navy
US Navy Suborbital Missile test 1 March Successful
Demonstration and Shakedown Operation 22 (DASO-22)
2 March
United States Juno United States Fort Wingate LC-96 United States U.S. Army
U.S. Army Suborbital Target 2 March Successful
Target for MIM-104 Patriot PAC-3 MSE test, successfully intercepted
9 March[79] United StatesTerrier-Oriole United StatesKauai United States MDA
United States ARAV-B MDA Suborbital Radar target 9 March Successful
Tracked by STSS satellites
11 March India Dhanush IndiaSea launch from Indian Ocean India DRDO
DRDO Suborbital Target 11 March Successful
Apogee: 100 kilometres (62 mi)
11 March India Prithvi II India Integrated Test Range IC-3 India DRDO
DRDO Suborbital Missile test 11 March Successful
Apogee: 100 kilometres (62 mi)
15 March[79] Iran Kavoshgar Iran Semnan Iran ISA
Iran Kavoshgar-4 ISA Suborbital Biological 15 March Successful
Apogee: 120 kilometres (75 mi)
16 March[79] United StatesTerrier-Oriole United StatesKauai United States MDA
United States ARAV-B MDA Suborbital Radar target 16 March Successful
Tracked by both STSS Demo satellites
23 March
CanadaBlack Brant IX United StatesWhite Sands United StatesNASA
United States EVE CU Boulder Suborbital SDO calibration[81] 23 March Successful[80]
29 March
Brazil VSB-30 Sweden Esrange Europe EuroLaunch
Germany Europe TEXUS-49 DLR/ESA Suborbital Microgravity 29 March Successful
Apogee: 268 kilometres (167 mi)
15 April
United States UGM-96 Trident I C4 (LV-2)[83] FTM-15 Marshall Islands Meck United States MDA
MDA Suborbital ABM target 15 April Successful
15 April
United States RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 FTM-15 United States USS O'Kane, Pacific Ocean United States US Navy
United States FTM-15 US Navy Suborbital ABM test 15 April Successful
First intercept of an IRBM by an SM-3 (FTM-15 Stellar Charon)
26 April[79] RussiaR-29RMU Sineva RussiaK-84 Ekaterinburg, Barents Sea RussiaVMF
VMF Suborbital Missile test 26 April Successful
27 April
CanadaBlack Brant IX United States Poker Flat United States NASA
United States WFF Suborbital Test flight 27 April Successful[80]
6 May[84]
China Tianying 3C China Hainan China CNSA
China Kunpeng-1 CSSAR Suborbital Environment monitoring 23:09 Successful
Apogee: 196.6 kilometres (122.2 mi).
11 May
United States Improved Orion Brazil Barreira do Inferno Brazil AEB
INPE Suborbital Microgravity 11 May Successful
20 May
13:21[citation needed]
United States SpaceLoft XL United States Spaceport America United States UP Aerospace
Suborbital Technology demonstration 20 May Successful
United States Goddard Celestis Suborbital Space burial Successful
Apogee: 118.3 kilometres (73.5 mi), successfully recovered.
20 May
Russia R-29RMU2.1 Layner Russia K-84 Ekaterinburg, Barents Sea Russia VMF
VMF Suborbital Missile test 20 May Successful
Maiden flight of Layner missile
10 June
United States Terrier-Orion United States Wallops Island United States NASA
United States SubTec IV[79] GSFC Suborbital Technology demonstration 10 June Successful[80]
22 June
United States LGM-30G Minuteman III United States Vandenberg LF-10 United States U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force Suborbital Test flight 22 June Successful
23 June
United StatesTerrier-Orion United StatesWallops Island United StatesNASA
United States RockOn Colorado Suborbital Student experiments 23 June Successful[80]
28 June
Russia RSM-56 Bulava RussiaK-535 Yuri Dolgorukiy, White Sea RussiaVMF
VMF Suborbital Missile test 28 June Successful
28 June[79] Iran Shahab-1 IranIran IranIRGC
IGRC Suborbital Missile test 28 June Successful
Part of an exercise with 14 missile launches, apogee: 100 kilometres (62 mi)
28 June[79] IranShahab-1 IranIran IranIGRC
IRGC Suborbital Missile test 28 June Successful
Part of an exercise with 14 missile launches, apogee: 100 kilometres (62 mi)
28 June[79] Iran Shahab-2 IranIran IranIRGC
IRGC Suborbital Missile test 28 June Successful
Part of an exercise with 14 missile launches, apogee: 100 kilometres (62 mi)
28 June[79