2015 in Israel


See also:

Events in the year 2015 in Israel.












  • April 16 – A car driven by a Palestinian hit two Israelis at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem in what was described as a terror attack.[9]
  • April 25
    • A series of attacks attributed to the Israeli Air Force were made in the Qalamoun region of Syria against Hezbollah camps and weapons convoys in two brigade bases.[10]
    • Four police officers were hit by a car in Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives in a suspected terror attack.[11]




  • June 12–28 – Israel sent 141 athletes and won 12 medals at the 2015 European Games
  • June 19 – An Israeli civilian was shot dead by a Palestinian gunman after they stopped when the Palestinian waved down their car on a dirt road near the West Bank settlement of Dolev. His companion was injured.[13]
  • June 21 – An Israeli Border Police officer was seriously wounded after being stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist outside the Old City of Jerusalem.[14]








  • October 18 – Beersheva bus station shooting
  • October 20–22 – the 37th World Zionist Congress is held in Jerusalem[18]
  • October 31 – Israeli aircraft attacked numerous Hezbollah targets in southern Syria, close to the border with Lebanon in the Qalamoun Mountains region. Estimated targets included a weapons convoy destined for Hezbollah.[19]


  • November 11 – Israeli airstrike near Damascus airport that targeted Hezbollah weapons warehouses.[20][21]
  • November 19 – Tel Aviv synagogue stabbing
  • November 23 – Israeli airstrike in the Qualamoun region killed 13 Syrian troops and Hezbollah fighters.[22]
  • November 28 – Israeli airstrike around Qalamoun, causing dead and wounded among Hezbollah fighters.[23]


  • December 20 – Explosion in Jaramana attributed to the Israeli Air Force that killed Hezbollah commander and convicted murderer Samir Kuntar.[24]
  • December 26 – Alleged Israeli airstrike against seven Hezbollah positions in the Qalamoun Mountains area.[25]
  • December 31 – Opening of the Ofakim Railway Station


Uri Orbach

See also



  1. ^ "Possible Site Of Trial Of Jesus Uncovered By Archaeologists". HuffPost. 5 January 2015. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
  2. ^ "Region on edge after Israel's deadly strike". Daily Star. 2015-01-19.
  3. ^ "Report: Six Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria, including Revolutionary Guards general". Jerusalem Post. 2015-01-19.
  4. ^ "Stabbing on Tel Aviv Bus Breaks a Fragile Calm". The New York Times. 21 January 2015.
  5. ^ "Two Israeli Soldiers Killed in Attack Claimed by Lebanon's Hezbollah". The Wall Street Journal. 28 January 2015.
  6. ^ "Two Israeli soldiers killed in Hezbollah missile attack". Al Jazeera. 28 January 2015.
  7. ^ "Netanyahu Soundly Defeats Chief Rival in Israeli Elections". The New York Times. 17 March 2015. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  8. ^ "Ehud Olmert convicted in Talansky case retrial". 30 March 2015. Retrieved 31 March 2015.
  9. ^ "Motorist hits pedestrians at Jerusalem bus stop; 1 dead, another injured". CNN.
  10. ^ "Israel reportedly hits Hezbollah, Assad targets in Syria". The Times of Israel.
  11. ^ "Four police officers wounded in Jerusalem terror attack". Ynet.
  12. ^ "Sweden rocks Eurovision as Israel places ninth". The Times of Israel. 2015-05-23.
  13. ^ Raanan Ben Tzur, Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal, 'Israeli killed in West Bank terror attack,' Ynet 19 June 2015.
  14. ^ Terror attack: Border Police officer stabbed, critically hurt in Jerusalem The Jerusalem Post 21 June 2015.
  15. ^ "Report: IAF strike in Syria targeted Hezbollah members and fighters under Lebanese terrorist Kuntar". Jerusalem Post.
  16. ^ "Second reported IAF strike: Damascus says Israel strikes pro-Syrian Palestinian militia". Jerusalem Post.
  17. ^ "IAF strikes in Syria, kills rocket launchers". Ynet News.
  18. ^ "At World Zionist Congress, Reform stakes its claim in Israel's future". The Times of Israel. 21 October 2015.
  19. ^ "Report: Israeli Air Force attacked Hezbollah targets in Syria". Jerusalem Post.
  20. ^ "'Hezbollah weapons warehouses were the target of Wednesday's Israeli airstrikes in Syria'". Jerusalem Post.
  21. ^ "Syrian media reports Israeli airstrike near Damascus airport". Jerusalem Post.
  22. ^ "Syrian opposition: IAF struck Hezbollah, regime targets near Syria-Lebanon border". Jerusalem Post.
  23. ^ "Report: Israel Air Force strikes targets in Syria near Lebanese border". Jerusalem Post.
  24. ^ "Hezbollah: Samir Kuntar killed in Israeli airstrike on Damascus - Middle East News". Haaretz.com. Retrieved 2015-12-20.
  25. ^ "Syrian media: Israel hits Hezbollah targets in Qalamoun area". Times of Israel. December 26, 2015.