Central Auditing Commission of the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

This electoral term of the Central Auditing Commission was elected by the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1952, and was in session until the convocation of the 20th Congress in 1956.[1]


Members of the Central Auditing Commission of the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union[1]
Name Cyrillic 18th CAC 20th CAC Birth Death PM Nationality Gender Ref.
Aleksey Alekseyev Алексе́й Алексе́ев New Not 1911 ? ? Russian Male [2]
Vasily Andreyev Василий Андреев New Not 1906 1974 1929 Russian Male [3]
Vasily Babich Василий Бабич New Reelected 1912 1988 1931 Ukrainian Male [4]
Valery Druzin Валерий Друзин New Not 1903 1980 1944 Russian Male [5]
Georgy Enyutin Георгий Енютин New Not 1903 1969 1924 Russian Male [6]
Alexander Gorkin Александр Горкин New Reelected 1897 1988 1916 Russian Male [7]
Grigory Grishko Григорий Гришко New CC 1906 1959 1932 Ukrainian Male [8]
Evgeny Gromov Евгений Громов New CC 1909 1981 1932 Russian Male [9]
Grigory Gromov Григорий громов CC Reelected 1903 1973 1924 Russian Male [10]
Konstantin Gubin Губин Александрович New Reelected 1897 1979 1919 Russian Male [11]
Grigory Kosyachenko Григо́рий Косяче́нко New Reelected 1900 1983 1917 Ukrainian Male [12]
Vladimir Kruzhkov Кружков Семёнович New Not 1905 1991 1925 Ukrainian Male [13]
Turabay Kulatov Турабай Кулатов Old Reelected 1908 1984 1932 Kyrgyz Male [14]
Zoya Mironova Зоя Миронова New Reelected 1912 1991 1940 Russian Female [15]
Pyotr Moskatov Пётр Москатов Old Reelected 1894 1969 1917 Russian Male [16]
Vasily Moskovsky Василий Московский New Reelected 1904 1984 1928 Russian Male [17]
Georgy Osipov Георгий Осипов New Reelected 1906 1980 1927 Russian Male [18]
Balysh Ovezov Балы́ш Ове́зов New Reelected 1915 1975 1939 Turkmen Male [19]
Nikolai Podgorny Николай Подгорный New CC 1903 1983 1930 Ukrainian Male [20]
Boris Podtserob Борис Подцероб New Not 1910 1983 ? Belarusian Male [21]
Pavel Prokkonen Павел Прокконен New Reelected 1909 1979 1930 Finn Male [22]
Jabbor Rasulov Джабар Расулов New Not 1913 1982 1939 Tajik Male [23]
Gherasim Rudi Гера́сим Рудь New CC 1907 1982 1939 Moldovan Male [24]
Vladimir Semyonov Владимир Семёнов New Reelected 1911 1992 1938 Russian Male [25]
Nikolay Skvortsov Николай Скворцов CC Not 1899 1974 1919 Russian Male [26]
Arkady Sobenin Аркадий Собенин New Not 1910 1972 1929 Russian Male [27]
Alexey Spiridonov Алексей Спиридонов New Reelected 1909 1988 1929 Russian Male [28]
Aleksandr Struev Алекса́ндр Стру́ев New CC 1906 1991 1927 Russian Male [29]
Alexey Surkov Сурков Александрович New CC 1899 1983 1925 Russian Male [30]
Mikhail Suyetin Михаил Суетин New Reelected 1906 1986 1925 Russian Male [31]
Mikhail Tarasov Сурков Александрович New CC 1899 1970 1924 Russian Male [32]
Stepan Tarasov Степа́н Тара́сов Old Died 1893 1955 1915 Russian Male [33]
Elena Tretyakova Зоя Миронова New Not 1908 ? ? Russian Female [34]
Aleksandr Tvardovsky Алекса́ндр Твардо́вский New Not 1910 1971 1940 Russian Male [35]
Mir Teymur Yagubov Мир Тејмур Яку́бов New Not 1904 1970 1927 Azerbaijani Male [36]
Vasily Zakurdayev Василий Закурдаев New CC 1903 1974 1927 Russian Male [37]
Vasily Zinchenko Василий Зинченко New Not 1910 1985 ? Ukrainian Male [38]


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