File:Shallow water equations - one splash.webm

Shallow_water_equations_-_one_splash.webm(WebM audio/video file, VP8, length 33 s, 528 × 288 pixels, 925 kbps overall, file size: 3.67 MB)


English: Analytical solution of the linearized shallow-water equations in a two-dimensional rectangular basin.
Source Own work
Author Kraaiennest
Other versions
Based on the exact solution for axisymmetrical waves in:
G. F. Carrier and H. Yeh (2005) "Tsunami propagation from a finite source". Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences 10(2), pp. 113–122, doi:10.3970/cmes.2005.010.113
This WEBM graphic was created with Python.

Source code


Python code

Python code for phase 1: compute axisymmetric solution for an unbounded domain
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """ Make an animation of the linear shallow-water equations in 2D  Based on the exact solution for axisymmetrical waves in: G. F. Carrier and H. Yeh (2005) Tsunami propagation from a finite source. Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 113-122 doi: 10.3970/cmes.2005.010.113  The dimensionless and linear shallow-water equations in polar coordinates are:   d/dt^2 eta(r,t) - 1/r * d/dr( r * d/dr eta(r,t) ) = 0.  The initial conditions are a series of Gaussian humps, on an equidistant grid in the (x,y)-plane. One Gaussian hump released at t=t0 is given by the initial conditions:   eta(r,t0) = 2 * exp( -r^2 ),      d/dt eta(r,t0) = 0.  """  #%% import libs from __future__ import print_function from future.builtins import input import numpy as np import scipy.special as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import multiprocessing import time from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline  #%% input n   = int( 181 )       # number of points in r-direction m   = int( 151 )       # number of time steps dr  = np.float64(0.2)  # step in r-direction dt  = np.float64(0.2)  # time step res = int( 10 )        # resample factor for 2D interpolation mpl = int( 11 )        # no. of elevation snapshots to plot  #%% integrand r   = np.float64() t   = np.float64() rho = np.float64()  def integrand(rho,r,t):     return rho * sp.jn(0,rho*r) * np.cos(rho*t) * np.exp( -(rho**2)/4 )  def integrate(args):     r_now = args[0]     t_now = args[1]     return quad( integrand, 0, np.inf,                  args=(r_now,t_now), epsabs=1.e-5, epsrel=1.e-5, limit=100)  #%% compute time integral of surface evolution as a function of r and t  print( '=== compute time integral of surface evolution as a function of r and t' )  start_time = time.time()  eta      = np.empty( [n,m], dtype=np.float64 ) # surface elevation err      = np.empty( [n,m], dtype=np.float64 ) # surface elevation integrated in time r        = np.linspace( 0, (n-1)*dr, num=n, dtype=np.float64 ) # radial coordinate t        = np.linspace( 0, (m-1)*dt, num=m, dtype=np.float64 ) # time coordinate eta0     = 2 * np.exp( - r**2 ) eta[:,0] = eta0  num_cores= int( multiprocessing.cpu_count() ) pool     = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores) print( '--- number of cores : {0:d}'.format(num_cores) )  for jt in range(1,m):     print( '\r--- jt = {0:4d}'.format(jt), end='' )     t_now  = t[jt]     params = [ (r[jr],t_now) for jr in range(n) ]     data = integrate, params )     for jr in range(0,n):         [ eta[jr,jt], err[jr,jt] ] = data[jr] pool.close() pool.join() print( ' ' )  no_nans = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(eta)) no_infs = np.count_nonzero(np.isinf(eta)) print( '--- number of NaN\'s in eta(r,t): {0:d}'.format(no_nans) ) print( '--- number of inf\'s in eta(r,t): {0:d}'.format(no_infs) )  #%% bivariate spline interpolate to fine grid print( '=== interpolate to fine grid' ) n_f      = res * (n-1) + 1 m_f      = res * (m-1) + 1 eta_f    = np.empty( [n_f,m_f], dtype=np.float64 ) # surface elevation r_f      = np.linspace( 0, (n-1)*dr, num=n_f, dtype=np.float64 ) # radial coordinate t_f      = np.linspace( 0, (m-1)*dt, num=m_f, dtype=np.float64 ) # time coordinate  spl_eta  = RectBivariateSpline( r, t, eta ) eta_f    = spl_eta( r_f, t_f )  #%% save to file print( '=== save results to file' ) with open( 'mat.npz', 'wb' ) as outfile: #    dr_f = dr / res #    dt_f = dt / res     np.savez( outfile, n=n, m=m, dr=dr, dt=dt, eta=eta, res=res )  #%% asymptotic behaviour in terms of parabolic cylinder function D print( '=== compute asymptotic behaviour' ) eta_asym = np.zeros( [n,m], dtype=np.float64 ) # surface elevation for jt in range(0,m):     for jr in range(1,n):         print( '\r--- (jt,jr) = ({0:d},{1:d})    '.format(jt,jr), end='' )         rnow = r[jr]         tnow = t[jt]         eta_asym[jr,jt] = 1. / np.sqrt( np.sqrt(2.) * rnow ) \                         * sp.pbdv( np.float64(0.5), np.sqrt(2.) * (rnow-tnow) )[0] \                         * np.exp( -0.5 * (rnow-tnow)**2 ) print( ' ' ) eta_asym[0,:] = 3*eta_asym[1,:] - 3*eta_asym[2,:] + eta_asym[3,:] spl_asym = RectBivariateSpline( r, t, eta_asym ) eta_asym = spl_asym( r_f, t_f )  #%% execution time  end_time = time.time() print( '--- execution time : {0:.3f} s'.format( end_time - start_time ) )  #%% plot quadrature error  print( '=== make plots' )  tp, rp   = np.meshgrid( t, r )  fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) pc       = ax.pcolormesh( rp, tp, err, cmap='viridis',                           vmin=0, vmax=5*np.std(err) ) ax.set_title( 'quadrature error' ) ax.axis( 'equal' ) ax.axis( 'image' ) fig.colorbar( pc, format='%.1e' ) ax.set_xlabel( 'r' ) ax.set_ylabel( 't' ) block=False ) plt.savefig( 'fig.sol/swe_ani_2D_quad_error.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight' )  #%% plot surface elevation on coarse grid  fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) pc       = ax.pcolormesh( rp, tp, eta, cmap='RdBu_r',                           vmin=-2, vmax=2 ) ax.set_title( 'surface elevation eta(r,t)' ) ax.axis( 'equal' ) ax.axis( 'image' ) fig.colorbar( pc ) ax.set_xlabel( 'r' ) ax.set_ylabel( 't' ) block=False ) plt.savefig( 'fig.sol/swe_ani_2D_eta_coarse.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight' )  #%% plot surface elevation on fine grid tpf, rpf = np.meshgrid( t_f, r_f )  fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) pc       = ax.pcolormesh( rpf, tpf, eta_f, cmap='RdBu_r',                           vmin=-2, vmax=2 ) ax.set_title( 'surface elevation eta(r,t)' ) ax.axis( 'equal' ) ax.axis( 'image' ) fig.colorbar( pc ) ax.set_xlabel( 'r' ) ax.set_ylabel( 't' ) block=False ) plt.savefig( 'fig.sol/swe_ani_2D_eta_fine.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight' )  #%% difference with asymptotic solution fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) pc       = ax.pcolormesh( rpf, tpf, np.sqrt(rpf)*(eta_asym-eta_f), cmap='RdBu_r',                           vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.02 ) ax.set_title( 'difference of exact and asymptotic eta(r,t)' ) ax.axis( 'equal' ) ax.axis( 'image' ) fig.colorbar( pc ) ax.set_xlabel( 'r' ) ax.set_ylabel( 't' ) block=False ) plt.savefig( 'fig.sol/swe_ani_2D_eta_diff_asym.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight' )  #%% some snapshots of the surface elevation at several instants  fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) for j in range(0,mpl):     jt = int( np.rint( np.float64(j) / np.float64(mpl-1) * np.float64(m_f-1) ) )     ax.plot( r_f, eta_f[:,jt], label=r'$t$ = {0:.3f}'.format(t_f[jt]) ) plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) for j in range(0,mpl):     jt = int( np.rint( np.float64(j) / np.float64(mpl-1) * np.float64(m_f-1) ) )     if j==0:         ax.plot( r_f, eta_asym[:,jt], '--', label=r'approximation' )     else:         ax.plot( r_f, eta_asym[:,jt], '--' ) ax.grid ax.axis( [ 0, np.max(r_f), -0.6, 2.2 ] ) ax.set_xlabel( r'$r$' ) ax.set_ylabel( r'$\eta(r,t)$' ) ax.set_title( r'surface elevation at several instants' ) lgd = ax.legend( loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5) ) fig.set_size_inches( 12, 5, forward=True ) plt.savefig( 'fig.sol/swe_ani_2D_eta_snap.pdf',              bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight' )  #%% snapshots to check self-similar behaviour  fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) ax.plot( [-6, 3], [0, 0], 'k-', linewidth=0.5 ) plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) for j in range(0,mpl):     jt = int( np.rint( np.float64(j) / np.float64(mpl-1) * np.float64(m_f-1) ) )     if t_f[jt] >= 4 :         ax.plot( r_f-t_f[jt], np.sqrt(r_f)*eta_f[:,jt],                  label=r'$t$ = {0:.3f}'.format(t_f[jt]) ) ax.plot( r_f-t_f[jt], np.sqrt(r_f)*eta_asym[:,jt], 'k--',          label=r'approximation', linewidth=1.0 ) ax.grid ax.axis( [ -6, +3, -0.35, 0.7 ] ) ax.set_xlabel( r'$r-t$' ) ax.set_ylabel( r'$\sqrt{r}$ $\eta(r-t,t)$' ) ax.set_title( r'self-similar behaviour of surface elevation' ) lgd = ax.legend( loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5) ) fig.set_size_inches( 12, 5, forward=True ) plt.savefig( 'fig.sol/swe_ani_2D_eta_similarity.pdf',              bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight' )  #%% ready  print( '=== ready' )  plt.subplots(1) # needed to show the last figure in spyder block=False ) plt.close()  input( '--- hit \'Enter\' to close ...' ) plt.close( 'all' ) 


Python code for phase 2: animation in a rectangular basin
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """ Make an animation of the linear shallow-water equations in 2D  Based on the exact solution for axisymmetrical waves in: G. F. Carrier and H. Yeh (2005) Tsunami propagation from a finite source. Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 113-122 doi: 10.3970/cmes.2005.010.113  The dimensionless and linear shallow-water equations in polar coordinates are:   d/dt^2 eta(r,t) - 1/r * d/dr( r * d/dr eta(r,t) ) = 0.  The initial conditions are a series of Gaussian humps, on an equidistant grid in the (x,y)-plane. One Gaussian hump released at t=t0 is given by the initial conditions:   eta(r,t0) = 2 * exp( -r^2 ),      d/dt eta(r,t0) = 0.  """  from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import numpy as np import os import subprocess import time import sys  from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, UnivariateSpline from matplotlib.colors import LightSource from mayavi import mlab  # animation parameters Lx    = np.float64( 30.   ) # domain size in x-direction Ly    = np.float64( 30.   ) # domain size in y-direction x0    = np.float64(  6.0  ) # x-coordinate of centre of splashes y0    = np.float64(  6.0  ) # y-coordinate of centre of splashes t0    = np.float64(  5.0  ) # time of splash dta   = np.float64(  0.2  ) # time step nta   = int( 751 )          # number of time steps nx    = int( 301 )          # spatial step in x-direction ny    = int( 301 )          # spatial step in y-direction mkani = True                # save animation to file nte   = int(  48 )          # no. of duplicate frames at end of animation  #%% load surface elevation data from file print( '=== load results from file' ) data = np.load( 'mat.npz' ) #, n=n, m=m, dr=dr, dt=dt, eta=eta, res=res ) n    = data['n'] m    = data['m'] dr   = data['dr'] dt   = data['dt'] eta  = data['eta'] res  = data['res']  r    = np.linspace( 0, (n-1)*dr, n, dtype=np.float64 ) t    = np.linspace( 0, (m-1)*dt, m, dtype=np.float64 )  #%% create function to interpolate surface elevation for any r and t rnow = np.float64() tnow = np.float64() rmax = np.max(r) tmax = np.max(t) msel = int( np.floor( ( rmax - 3.0 ) / dt ) ) if msel > m :      msel = m tsel = (msel-1) * dt print( '--- tsel = {0:.3f}'.format(tsel) )  # define spline interpolations sim_ksi  = r - tsel sim_eta  = np.sqrt(r) * eta[:,msel-1] spl2_eta = RectBivariateSpline( r, t, eta ) spl1_eta = UnivariateSpline( sim_ksi, sim_eta, s=0 )  # plot self-similar form fig, ax  = plt.subplots(1) ax.plot( [-tsel, +4], [0, 0], 'k-', linewidth=0.5 ) plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) ax.plot( r-tsel, np.sqrt(r)*eta[:,msel-1] ) ax.grid ax.axis( [ -tsel, +4, -0.35, 0.7 ] ) ax.set_xlabel( r'$r-t$' ) ax.set_ylabel( r'$\sqrt{r}$ $\eta(r-t,t)$' ) ax.set_title( r'self-similar behaviour of surface elevation' )  def eta_polar( args ) :     rnow    = args[0]     tnow    = args[1]     rshape  = np.shape( rnow )     rr      = np.ravel( rnow )     eta_now = np.zeros( np.shape( rr ), dtype=np.float64 )     # print( '--- shape of rr : {}'.format(np.shape(rr)) )     if tnow >= 0:         if tnow <= tsel : # interpolation             jj          = np.where( rr <= rmax )             tt          = tnow * np.ones( rr[jj].shape )             eta_now[jj] = spl2_eta( rr[jj], tt, grid=False )         else:             # self-similar solution based on t=tsel             ksi         = rr - tnow             jj          = np.where( ( ksi > -tsel ) & ( ksi < (rmax-tsel) ) & ( rr > 0 ) )                     # print( '--- length of jj : {0:d}'.format(np.size(jj)) )             eta_now[jj] = spl1_eta( ksi[jj] ) / np.sqrt(rr[jj])      eta_now = np.reshape( eta_now, rshape )     return eta_now  #%% create an animation with mayavi  print( '=== create mayavi animation' )  x    = np.linspace( 0, Lx, nx ) y    = np.linspace( 0, Ly, ny ) x, y = np.meshgrid( x, y ) z    = np.zeros( ( ny, nx, nta ), dtype=np.float64 )  # compute number of copies of the domain needed tmax = nta * dta - t0 repx = int( np.ceil( tmax / Lx ) ) repy = int( np.ceil( tmax / Ly ) ) print( '--- repetitions in x-dir : {0:d}'.format(repx) ) print( '--- repetitions in y-dir : {0:d}'.format(repy) )  # create the surface fields needed in the animation print( '--- compute surface elevation as a function of time' )  start_time = time.time()  for jx in range(-repx,+repx+1) :     if jx % 2 == 0 :         xc = +x0   + jx*Lx # even     else :         xc = Lx-x0 + jx*Lx # odd     for jy in range(-repy,+repy+1) :         if jy % 2 == 0 :             yc = +y0   + jy*Ly # even         else :             yc = Ly-y0 + jy*Ly # odd         sys.stdout.write( '\r--- jx = {0:3d} ; jy = {1:3d}'.format(jx,jy) )         sys.stdout.flush()         rnow   = np.sqrt( (x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2 )         for i in range(nta) :             tnow      = np.float64(i)*dta - t0             params    = ( rnow, tnow )             z[:,:,i] += eta_polar( params ) print( ' ' )  end_time = time.time() print( '--- elapsed time for free-surface construction : {0:.3f} s'.format( end_time - start_time ) )  no_nans = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(z)) no_infs = np.count_nonzero(np.isinf(z)) print( '--- number of NaN\'s in z(x,y,t): {0:d}'.format(no_nans) ) print( '--- number of inf\'s in z(x,y,t): {0:d}'.format(no_infs) )  time.sleep(5) # pause 5 seconds  # mayavi plot fig  = mlab.figure( size=(528,337), bgcolor=(1,1,0.9) ) Ld   = np.sqrt( Lx**2 + Ly**2 ) surf = x.T, y.T, z[:,:,0].T, colormap='Blues', warp_scale=4,                   vmin=-2, vmax=+2 ) # Change the visualization parameters. = 'phong' = 0.1 = 100 mlab.view( azimuth=235, elevation=70, distance=0.9*Ld,            focalpoint=(0.35*Lx,0.25*Ly,0.0) )  # animation print( '--- show animation (and plot to png-files)' ) @mlab.animate( delay=10 ) def anim() :     cnt = True     while cnt :         for i in range(nta):             # print( '\r--- i = {0:5d}'.format(i), end='' )             tnow  = np.float64(i)*dta - t0             znow  = z[:,:,i] # eta_polar( rnow, tnow )             surf.mlab_source.scalars = znow.T             if mkani :                 # create png-files                 fname = os.path.join( 'fig.ani', 'ani_{0:04d}.png'.format(i) )                 mlab.savefig( filename=fname )                 if i == (nta-1) :                     for j in range(nte) :                         fname = os.path.join( 'fig.ani', 'ani_{0:04d}.png'.format(nta+j) )                         mlab.savefig( filename=fname )                 cnt = False             yield          anim()     # print( ' ' )  if mkani :      print( '--- create animation with ffmpeg' )     fps          = int(24)     ffmpeg_fname = os.path.join( 'fig.ani', 'ani_%04d.png' )     prefix       = 'ani'     cmd          = 'ffmpeg -y -f image2 -r {} -i {} -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1M {}.webm'.format(fps,ffmpeg_fname,prefix)     # cmd          = 'ffmpeg -f image2 -r {} -i {} -vcodec mpeg4 -y {}.mp4'.format(fps,ffmpeg_fname,prefix)     print( '{0:s}'.format(cmd) )     subprocess.check_output(['bash','-c', cmd])      # Remove temp image files with extension     print( '--- delete png-files' )     [os.remove( os.path.join( 'fig.ani', f ) ) for f in os.listdir('fig.ani') if f.endswith('.png')] 


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10 April 2018

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current12:47, 10 April 201833 s, 528 × 288 (3.67 MB)Kraaiennestchange background color
12:12, 10 April 201833 s, 528 × 288 (3.03 MB)Kraaiennestwebm v9 to v8 for ability to play
11:13, 10 April 201833 s, 528 × 288 (4.01 MB)KraaiennestUser created page with UploadWizard
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