Модуль:Football box collapsible — Википедия


Реализация {{Footballbox collapsible}}.

-- Реализация [[Шаблон:Football box collapsible]] local fbxb = require("Модуль:Football box/base")  local p = {}  local colors = { 	["W"] = "bbf3bb", 	["L"] = "ffbbbb", 	["T"] = "D", ["D"] = "ffffbb", 	["SW"] = "PW", ["PW"] = "bbf3ff", 	["V"] = "P", ["P"] = "bbbbbb"}  local tracking, preview  local function checkarg(k, v, tracking, preview) 	fbxb.checkarg(k, v, 'Страницы, использующие шаблон footballbox collapsible с неизвестными параметрами', tracking, preview) end  local function background(frame, c, r, bg) 	local data = colors 	local res = data[r:upper()] 	if res then 		res = '#' .. (data[res] or res) 	elseif fbxb.isnotempty(bg) then 		res = '#' .. bg 	else 		res = 'transparent' 	end 	return res end  local function teamname(team) 	local prefix, suffix, b = "", "", "'''"; 	if mw.ustring.sub(team, 1, 3) ~= b and mw.ustring.sub(team, -3) ~= b then 		prefix = '<span class="fn org">' .. b .. ' '; 		suffix = ' ' .. b .. "</span>"; 	else 		if mw.ustring.sub(team, 1, 3) == b then 			prefix = '<span class="fn org">'; 			team = mw.ustring.sub(team, 4); 		else 			prefix = '<span class="fn org">' .. b; 		end 		if mw.ustring.sub(team, -3) == b then 			suffix = "</span>"; 			team = mw.ustring.sub(team, 1, mw.ustring.len(team) - 3); 		else 			suffix = b .. "</span>"; 		end 	end 	return prefix .. team .. suffix; end  local function score(s, a, ag, p, so) 	s = fbxb.nowrap(fbxb.bold(s ~= '' and s or '–:–')) 	if a ~= '' then 		s = s .. fbxb.small(' (' .. fbxb.labels['aet'] .. ')') 	end 	if ag ~= '' then 		s = s .. '<br>' .. fbxb.small(' (' .. fbxb.bold(ag) .. ' ' .. fbxb.labels['agg'] .. ')') 	end 	if p ~= '' then 		s = s .. '<br>' .. fbxb.small(' (' .. fbxb.bold(p) .. ' ' .. fbxb.labels['pen'] .. ')') 	elseif so ~= '' then 		s = s .. '<br>' .. fbxb.small(' (' .. fbxb.bold(so) .. ' ' .. fbxb.labels['so'] .. ')') 	end 	return s end  function p.main(frame) -- Exit early if we are using section transclusion for a different section 	local tsection = frame:getParent().args['transcludesection'] or frame:getParent().args['section'] or '' 	local bsection = frame.args['section'] or '' 	if ( tsection ~= '' and bsection ~= '') then 		if ( tsection ~= bsection) then 			return '' 		end 	end 	local args = (frame.args['team1'] or frame.args['team2']) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args 	local id = fbxb.trim(args['id']) 	local bars = (args['nobars'] == nil) or (args['bars'] == '') 	local class = fbxb.trim(args['class'] or 'mw-collapsible mw-collapsed') or '' 	local width1 = {['1'] = '28%', ['1.1'] = '22%', ['1.2'] = '28%', ['default'] = '19%'} 	local width2 = {['1'] = '19%', ['1.1'] = '25%', ['1.2'] = '19%', ['default'] = '23%'} 	local width3 = {['1'] = '8%',  ['1.1'] = '8%',  ['1.2'] = '8%',  ['default'] = '12%'} 	local width4 = {['1'] = '19%', ['1.1'] = '19%', ['1.2'] = '26%', ['default'] = '23%'} 	local width5 = {['1'] = '26%', ['1.1'] = '26%', ['1.2'] = '19%', ['default'] = '23%'} 	local location = nil 	local extra = {} 	local notes = {} 	tracking, preview = {}, {} 	fbxb.process_rus_params(args) 	for k, v in pairs(args) do 		if v ~= '' then 			checkarg(k, v, tracking, preview) 		end 	end 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['class']) then 		if fbxb.isnotempty(args['class']) == 'collapsible' or fbxb.isnotempty(args['class']) == 'mw-collapsible' or fbxb.isnotempty(args['class']) == 'uncollapsed' then --valid 		elseif fbxb.isnotempty(args['class']) == '' then 			table.insert(tracking, '[[Категория:Страницы, использующие шаблон footballbox collapsible с пустым параметром class]]') 		else 			table.insert(tracking, '[[Категория:Страницы, использующие шаблон footballbox collapsible с параметром class]]') 		end 	end  -- требуемые параметры 	for i, k in ipairs({'team1', 'team2'}) do 		if args[k] == nil then 			args[k] = '{{{' .. k .. '}}}' 		end 	end -- карточка стадиона 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['stadium']) then 		args['stadium'] = tostring(mw.html.create('span'):addClass('location'):wikitext(args['stadium'])) 	end  -- информация о месте проведения матча и стадионе 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['location']) then 		location = args['location'] 		if fbxb.isnotempty(args['stadium']) then 			table.insert(extra, fbxb.labels['stadium'] .. ' ' .. args['stadium']) 		end 	elseif fbxb.isnotempty(args['stadium']) then 		location = args['stadium'] 	end  -- дополнительная информация 	for i, k in ipairs({'attendance', 'referee', 'assistantreferees', 'assistantreferee2', 'VAR', 'assistantVAR', 'assistantsVAR', 		'fourthofficial', 'fifthofficial', 'goallineassistants', 'goallineassistant2', 'potm', 'motm', 'mvp'}) do 		if fbxb.isnotempty(args[k]) then 			table.insert(extra, fbxb.labels[k] .. ' ' .. args[k]) 		end 	end  -- счёт 	local scorestr = '' 	if args['score1'] or args['score2'] then 		scorestr = (args['score1'] or '0') .. '&ndash;' .. (args['score2'] or '0') 	elseif args['score'] then 		scorestr = args['score'] 	end 	if args['scorenote'] then 		scorestr = scorestr .. '<br>' .. args['scorenote'] 	end  -- комментарии 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['note']) then 		table.insert(notes, "''" .. fbxb.labels['note'] .. " " .. args['note'] .. "''") 	end 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['seealso']) then 		table.insert(notes, "''" .. fbxb.labels['seealso'] .. " " .. args['seealso'] .. "''") 	end  -- составы команд (только в рувики) 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['squad1']) then 		table.insert(notes, "" .. fbxb.bold(fbxb.check_team_pattern(args['team1'])) .. ": " .. args['squad1'] .. "") 	end 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['squad2']) then 		table.insert(notes, "" .. fbxb.bold(fbxb.check_team_pattern(args['team2'])) .. ": " .. args['squad2'] .. "") 	end  -- проверка на таблицу 	if class == '' or class == 'uncollapsed' then 		class = '' 	elseif #extra > 0 or #notes > 0 or 		fbxb.isnotempty(args['time']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['report']) or 		fbxb.isnotempty(args['goals1']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['goals2']) or 		fbxb.isnotempty(args['penalties1']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['penalties2']) or 		fbxb.isnotempty(args['shootout1']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['shootout2']) then 	elseif class == 'collapsible collapsed' or class == 'mw-collapsible mw-collapsed' then 		class = '' 	end  -- Start box 	local root = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('vevent') :attr('id', id) 	root:tag('span') :addClass('summary') :css('display', 'none') :wikitext(args['team1'] .. ' v ' .. args['team2']) 	root:newline()  -- Start table 	local rClassName = 'vevent tmpl-football-box-collapsible' 	local rbg = background(frame, 'default', args['result'] or '', args['bg'] or '') 	if rbg == 'transparent' then 		rClassName = rClassName .. ' tmpl-football-box-collapsible-transparent' 	end      	local rtable = root:tag('table') :attr('cellspacing', 0) :addClass(class ~= '' and class or nil) :addClass(rClassName) :css('border-top', bars and '1px solid #999' or nil) :css('border-bottom', bars and '1px solid #999' or nil) :css('margin-bottom', bars and '-1px' or nil) :css('width', args['size'] or '100%') :css('background', rbg) 	local row = rtable:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align', 'top') -- дата и раунд 	local cell = row:tag('td') :css('width', width1[args['format'] or 'default'] or width1['default']) 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['date']) then 		cell:tag('span') :css('white-space', 'nowrap') :css('float', 'right') :css('margin-left', '0.5em') :wikitext(args['date']) 		cell:wikitext(' ') 	end 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['round']) then 		cell:wikitext(fbxb.small(args['round'])) 	end -- команда1 	row:tag('td') :css('width', width2[args['format'] or 'default'] or width2['default']) :css('text-align', 'right') :addClass('vcard attendee') :wikitext(teamname(args['team1'])) -- счёт 	row:tag('td') :css('width', width3[args['format'] or 'default'] or width3['default']) :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(score(scorestr, args['aet'] or '', args['aggregatescore'] or '', args['penaltyscore'] or '', args['shootoutscore'] or '')) -- команда2 	row:tag('td') :css('width', width4[args['format'] or 'default'] or width4['default']) :addClass('vcard attendee') :wikitext(teamname(args['team2'])) -- место проведения матча и стадион 	row:tag('td') :css('width', width5[args['format'] or 'default'] or nil) :css('font-size', location and '85%' or nil) :wikitext(location) 	if #extra > 0 or 	fbxb.isnotempty(args['time']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['report']) or 	fbxb.isnotempty(args['goals1']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['goals2']) then 		local row = rtable:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align', 'top'):css('font-size', '85%') -- время 		row:tag('td') :css('text-align', fbxb.isnotempty(args['time']) and 'right' or nil) :wikitext(args['time']) 		row:newline() -- голы1 		row:tag('td') :css('text-align', fbxb.isnotempty(args['goals1']) and 'right' or nil) :wikitext(fbxb.fmtlist(args['goals1'])) 		row:newline() -- отчёт 		row:tag('td') :css('text-align', fbxb.isnotempty(args['report']) and 'center' or nil) :wikitext(fbxb.makelink(args['report'] or '', '(отчёт)')) 		row:newline() -- голы2 		row:tag('td') :wikitext(fbxb.fmtlist(args['goals2'])) 		row:newline() -- место проведения, стадион 		row:tag('td') :wikitext(table.concat(extra, '<br>')) 	end 	if fbxb.isnotempty(args['penalties1']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['penalties2']) then 		row = rtable:tag('tr') 		row:tag('td'):attr('rowspan', 2) 		row:tag('td'):attr('colspan', 3):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext(fbxb.bold(fbxb.labels['penalties'])) 		row:tag('td'):attr('rowspan', 2) 		row = rtable:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align', 'top'):css('font-size', '85%') 		row:newline() 		row:tag('td') :css('text-align', fbxb.isnotempty(args['penalties1']) and 'right' or nil) :wikitext(fbxb.fmtlist(args['penalties1'])) 		row:newline() 		row:tag('td') 		row:newline() 		row:tag('td') :wikitext(fbxb.fmtlist(args['penalties2'])) 		row:newline() 	elseif fbxb.isnotempty(args['shootout1']) or fbxb.isnotempty(args['shootout2']) then 		row = rtable:tag('tr') 		row:tag('td'):attr('rowspan', 2) 		row:tag('td'):attr('colspan', 3):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext(fbxb.bold(fbxb.labels['shootout'])) 		row:tag('td'):attr('rowspan', 2) 		row = rtable:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align', 'top'):css('font-size', '85%') 		row:newline() 		row:tag('td') :css('text-align', fbxb.isnotempty(args['shootout1']) and 'right' or nil) :wikitext(fbxb.fmtlist(args['shootout1'])) 		row:newline() 		row:tag('td') 		row:newline() 		row:tag('td') :wikitext(fbxb.fmtlist(args['shootout2'])) 		row:newline() 	end 	if #notes > 0 then 		row = rtable:tag('tr'):css('font-size', '85%') 		row:tag('td') :attr('colspan', 5) :wikitext(table.concat(notes, '<br>')) 		row:newline() 	end 	local trackstr = (#tracking > 0) and table.concat(tracking, '') or '' 	if #preview > 0 and frame:preprocess("{{REVISIONID}}") == "" then 		trackstr = tostring(mw.html.create('div') :addClass('hatnote') :css('color', 'red') :tag('strong'):wikitext('Внимание:'):done() :wikitext('Неизвестные параметры: ' .. table.concat(preview, '; '))) 	end 	return tostring(root) .. trackstr end  return p